Indirect object pronouns

Moto électrique

First you need to understand the difference between a direct object and an indirect object.

Observe those two sentences:

1 - J'ai dit à Pierre de me contacter.... I told Peter to contact me
2 - J'ai trouvé Pierre très fatigué..........I found Peter very tired.
In sentence number 1, between the verb and Pierre, there is a preposition, à so Pierre is an indirect object
In sentence number 2, between the verb and Pierre, there is no preposition, so Pierre is a direct object.
The indirect object pronouns are the same as the direct object pronouns except for the 3rd persons, singular and plural
lui = him/her
leur = them

J'ai donné ma moto à mon voisin.
Ah bon, pourquoi tu lui as donné ta vieille moto?
Elle marche bien mais je voudrais m'acheter une moto électrique.
Ah je vois! C'est mieux pour l'environnement!

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