
Looking for a hotel

If you are teaching the topic of 'holidays', you could include this interactive video clip To use this extremely useful resource, click here Ideal to use in the ICT room.

Key vocabulary

Vue panoramique
position centrale
ambiance familiale
rapport qualité-prix

Les adverbes de manière

How to form an adverb can be a challenge. To make it more fun, why don't you invite your students to try the 'painting brush'.  Though during the game, a few adverbs seem to appear a bit too often, the whole process allows the rules to sink in, as they say!
While in English adverbs are formed by adding (-ly) to adjectives. In French many adverbs are formed from adjectives, simply by adding the suffix –ment to the singular feminine form of adjectives. Examples:

Lent (slow) becomes lentement (slowly)

Parfait (perfect) becomes parfaitement (perfectly)

Some words are adverbs by nature. For example:

Maintenant (now), vraiment (really), and bientôt (soon) are all French adverbs.
Read more, click here

Où, à Panama? Le passé composé (2)

Here is a very funny song that my students love to hear when I teach them the past tense, le passé composé.
You can find the lyrics on the following website and adapt them to a listening or a gap-filling activity. You could also use the song as a 'fascinator', or a plenary. Enjoy!

The past tense, le passé composé

I am a visual learner and I quite like the following picture that you can find on this site

Le passé composé

The other activity my students love is a 'montage' audio that tells the story of a chick (le poussin)
you can find it here
And here is the masterpiece, le château d'Alamo, courtesy of the University of Texas, 
the alamo of étre
 Finally, here is another story that you can find it on this site ce site


La météo

I have suggested to all my students to visit the French  website TV5and if you click this link TV5 it will take you to the weather forecast here and there. 

Températures dans le monde

Voici différentes cartes que vous pourrez exploiter pendant le cours, soit en utilisant des questionnaires, soit en demandant aux élèves de vous dire le temps qu'il fait. Les symboles sont explicites et faciles à interpréter.